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Documenting Police Tech in Our Communities
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Agency City County State Technology Vendor
Columbus County Sheriff's Office Culpeper Columbus County NC Body-worn Cameras
Columbus County Sheriff's Office received $29,697 to purchase 30 body-worn cameras through the Small, Rural and TribalBody-worn Camera Program in 2024.
Agency: Columbus County Sheriff's Office
State: NC
City: Culpeper
County: Columbus County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Columbus County Sheriff's Office received $29,697 to purchase 30 body-worn cameras through the Small, Rural and TribalBody-worn Camera Program in 2024.

Columbus County Sheriff's Office Whiteville Columbus County NC Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Columbus County Sheriff's Office began using Flock Safety automated license plate readers in 2023.
Agency: Columbus County Sheriff's Office
State: NC
City: Whiteville
County: Columbus County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Columbus County Sheriff's Office began using Flock Safety automated license plate readers in 2023.