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Agency City County State Technology Vendor
Lancaster County Sheriff's Office Lincoln Lancaster County NE Drones DJI
The Lancaster County Sheriff's Office operates one DJI Matrice 210 drone as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Lancaster County Sheriff's Office
State: NE
City: Lincoln
County: Lancaster County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Lancaster County Sheriff's Office operates one DJI Matrice 210 drone as of 2018, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Lancaster County Sheriff's Office Lincoln Lancaster County NE Automated License Plate Readers
The Lancaster County Sheriff's Office searches automated license plate reader data.
Agency: Lancaster County Sheriff's Office
State: NE
City: Lincoln
County: Lancaster County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

The Lancaster County Sheriff's Office searches automated license plate reader data.

Lincoln Police Department Lincoln Lancaster County NE Drones
The Lincoln Police Department operates one drone as of 2019, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Lincoln Police Department
State: NE
City: Lincoln
County: Lancaster County
Technology: Drones

The Lincoln Police Department operates one drone as of 2019, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Lincoln Police Department Lincoln Lancaster County NE Automated License Plate Readers ELSAG
The Lincoln Police Department uses ELSAG automated licnese plate readers.
Agency: Lincoln Police Department
State: NE
City: Lincoln
County: Lancaster County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: ELSAG

The Lincoln Police Department uses ELSAG automated licnese plate readers.

Lincoln Police Department Lincoln Lancaster County NE Body-worn Cameras
The Lincoln Police Department began using body-worn cameras in 2017.
Agency: Lincoln Police Department
State: NE
City: Lincoln
County: Lancaster County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Lincoln Police Department began using body-worn cameras in 2017.

Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles Lincoln Lancaster County NE Face Recognition
Nebraska’s Department of Motor Vehicles responds to face recognition requests from FBI’s FACE Services Unit, and offers access to some employees of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Lincoln Police Department, and the Omaha Police Department. Nebraska will also respond to requests from federal, state, or local law enforcement involving a criminal matter or ongoing investigation.
Agency: Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles
State: NE
City: Lincoln
County: Lancaster County
Technology: Face Recognition

Nebraska’s Department of Motor Vehicles responds to face recognition requests from FBI’s FACE Services Unit, and offers access to some employees of the Nebraska State Patrol, the Lincoln Police Department, and the Omaha Police Department. Nebraska will also respond to requests from federal, state, or local law enforcement involving a criminal matter or ongoing investigation.

Nebraska Information Analysis Center Lincoln Lancaster County NE Fusion Center
The Nebraska Information Analysis Center is one of 79 fusion centers in the United States. Operated by local and state law enforcement in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a fusion center serves as a command center for gathering, analyzing and disseminating intelligence and other public safety information.
Agency: Nebraska Information Analysis Center
State: NE
City: Lincoln
County: Lancaster County
Technology: Fusion Center

The Nebraska Information Analysis Center is one of 79 fusion centers in the United States. Operated by local and state law enforcement in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a fusion center serves as a command center for gathering, analyzing and disseminating intelligence and other public safety information.

Nebraska State Patrol Lincoln Lancaster County NE Automated License Plate Readers
The Nebraska State Patrol uses automated license plate readers.
Agency: Nebraska State Patrol
State: NE
City: Lincoln
County: Lancaster County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

The Nebraska State Patrol uses automated license plate readers.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department Lincoln Lancaster County NE Body-worn Cameras
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department uses body-worn cameras.
Agency: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department
State: NE
City: Lincoln
County: Lancaster County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Police Department uses body-worn cameras.