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Documenting Police Tech in Our Communities
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Agency City County State Technology Vendor
Portland Police Bureau Portland Multnomah County OR Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Portland Police Bureau started a $2.6 million Axon body-worn camera pilot program in 2022.
Agency: Portland Police Bureau
State: OR
City: Portland
County: Multnomah County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Portland Police Bureau started a $2.6 million Axon body-worn camera pilot program in 2022.

Multnomah County Sheriff's Office Portland Multnomah County OR Camera Registry
The Multnomah County Sheriff's Office maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.
Agency: Multnomah County Sheriff's Office
State: OR
City: Portland
County: Multnomah County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Multnomah County Sheriff's Office maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.

Portland Police Bureau Portland Multnomah County OR Automated License Plate Readers
The Portland Police Bureau has been using automatic license plate readers since 2008.
Agency: Portland Police Bureau
State: OR
City: Portland
County: Multnomah County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

The Portland Police Bureau has been using automatic license plate readers since 2008.

Portland Police Bureau Portland Multnomah County OR Drones DJI
The Portland Police Department has registered eight active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Portland Police Bureau
State: OR
City: Portland
County: Multnomah County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Portland Police Department has registered eight active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Crook County Sheriff's Office Prineville Crook County OR Drones Autel, DJI
The Crook County Sheriff's Office has registered six active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Crook County Sheriff's Office
State: OR
City: Prineville
County: Crook County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: Autel, DJI

The Crook County Sheriff's Office has registered six active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Prineville Police Department Prineville Crook County OR Drones Autel, DJI
The Prineville Police Department has registered two active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Prineville Police Department
State: OR
City: Prineville
County: Crook County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: Autel, DJI

The Prineville Police Department has registered two active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Redmond Police Department Redmond Deschutes County OR Drones MAVIC, Autel, DJI
The Redmond Police Department has registered eight active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Redmond Police Department
State: OR
City: Redmond
County: Deschutes County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: MAVIC, Autel, DJI

The Redmond Police Department has registered eight active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Redmond Police Department Redmond Deschutes County OR Body-worn Cameras WatchGuard
The Redmond Police Department began using WatchGuard body-worn cameras in 2017.
Agency: Redmond Police Department
State: OR
City: Redmond
County: Deschutes County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: WatchGuard

The Redmond Police Department began using WatchGuard body-worn cameras in 2017.

Douglas County Sheriff's Office Roseburg Douglas County OR Drones Autel, DJI
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office has registered eight active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Douglas County Sheriff's Office
State: OR
City: Roseburg
County: Douglas County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: Autel, DJI

The Douglas County Sheriff's Office has registered eight active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Douglas County Sheriff's Office Roseburg Douglas County OR Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office uses Flock Safety automated license plate readers.
Agency: Douglas County Sheriff's Office
State: OR
City: Roseburg
County: Douglas County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Douglas County Sheriff's Office uses Flock Safety automated license plate readers.

Marion County Sheriff's Office Salem Marion County, Polk County OR Body-worn Cameras
The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $99,000 to the Marion County Sheriff's Office in 2016 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.
Agency: Marion County Sheriff's Office
State: OR
City: Salem
County: Marion County, Polk County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $99,000 to the Marion County Sheriff's Office in 2016 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program.

Salem Police Department Salem Marion County OR Drones Autel, DJI
The Salem Police Department has registered 20 active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Salem Police Department
State: OR
City: Salem
County: Marion County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: Autel, DJI

The Salem Police Department has registered 20 active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Salem Police Department Salem Marion County, Polk County OR Automated License Plate Readers Vigilant Solutions
The Salem Police Department shared data collected using Vigilant Solutions automated license plate readers with 43 other law enforcement agencies, according to documents produced in 2018.
Agency: Salem Police Department
State: OR
City: Salem
County: Marion County, Polk County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Vigilant Solutions

The Salem Police Department shared data collected using Vigilant Solutions automated license plate readers with 43 other law enforcement agencies, according to documents produced in 2018.

Oregon Terrorism Information Threat Assessment Network Salem Marion County, Polk County OR Fusion Center
The Oregon Terrorism Information Threat Assessment Network is one of 79 fusion centers in the United States. Operated by local and state law enforcement in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a fusion center serves as a command center for gathering, analyzing and disseminating intelligence and other public safety information.
Agency: Oregon Terrorism Information Threat Assessment Network
State: OR
City: Salem
County: Marion County, Polk County
Technology: Fusion Center

The Oregon Terrorism Information Threat Assessment Network is one of 79 fusion centers in the United States. Operated by local and state law enforcement in partnership with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a fusion center serves as a command center for gathering, analyzing and disseminating intelligence and other public safety information.

Salem Police Department Salem Marion County, Polk County OR Camera Registry
The Salem Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.
Agency: Salem Police Department
State: OR
City: Salem
County: Marion County, Polk County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Salem Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.

Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Services Salem Marion County, Polk County OR Face Recognition
Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Services has a face recognition system, but does not allow external entities to use it.
Agency: Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Services
State: OR
City: Salem
County: Marion County, Polk County
Technology: Face Recognition

Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Services has a face recognition system, but does not allow external entities to use it.

Oregon State Police Salem Marion County, Polk County OR Body-worn Cameras
The Oregon State Police uses body-worn cameras.
Agency: Oregon State Police
State: OR
City: Salem
County: Marion County, Polk County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Oregon State Police uses body-worn cameras.

Salem Police Department Salem Marion County OR Body-worn Cameras
In November 2021, the Salem City Council approved the use of $816,000 in state grant money for the Salem Police Department body-worn camera program.
Agency: Salem Police Department
State: OR
City: Salem
County: Marion County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

In November 2021, the Salem City Council approved the use of $816,000 in state grant money for the Salem Police Department body-worn camera program.

Marion County Sheriff's Office Salem Marion County OR Drones DJI
The Marion County Sheriff's Office has registered ten active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Marion County Sheriff's Office
State: OR
City: Salem
County: Marion County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Marion County Sheriff's Office has registered ten active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Oregon Department of Aviation Salem Marion County OR Drones Autel, DJI
The Oregon Department of Aviation has registered four active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Oregon Department of Aviation
State: OR
City: Salem
County: Marion County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: Autel, DJI

The Oregon Department of Aviation has registered four active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Springfield Police Department Springfield Lane County OR Drones Autel, DJI
The Springfield Police Department has registered five active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Springfield Police Department
State: OR
City: Springfield
County: Lane County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: Autel, DJI

The Springfield Police Department has registered five active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Oregon State Police St. Helens Columbia County OR Drones Autel, DJI, BRINC
The Oregon State Police has registered 44 active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Oregon State Police
State: OR
City: St. Helens
County: Columbia County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: Autel, DJI, BRINC

The Oregon State Police has registered 44 active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Columbia County Sheriff's Office St. Helens Columbia County OR Drones DJI
The Columbia County Sheriff's Office has registered two active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Columbia County Sheriff's Office
State: OR
City: St. Helens
County: Columbia County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Columbia County Sheriff's Office has registered two active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Columbia County Sheriff's Office St.Helen's Columbia County OR Body-worn Cameras
The Columbia County Sheriff's Office purchased 30 body-worn cameras for $24,000 in 2015.
Agency: Columbia County Sheriff's Office
State: OR
City: St.Helen's
County: Columbia County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Columbia County Sheriff's Office purchased 30 body-worn cameras for $24,000 in 2015.

Sunriver Police Department Sunriver Deschutes County OR Drones DJI
The Sunriver Police Department has registered two active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Sunriver Police Department
State: OR
City: Sunriver
County: Deschutes County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Sunriver Police Department has registered two active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Sunriver Police Department Sunriver Deschutes County OR Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Sunriver Police Department installed Flock Safety automated license plate readers in June 2024.
Agency: Sunriver Police Department
State: OR
City: Sunriver
County: Deschutes County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Sunriver Police Department installed Flock Safety automated license plate readers in June 2024.

Talent Police Department Talent Jackson County OR Body-worn Cameras
The Talent Police Department uses body-worn cameras.
Agency: Talent Police Department
State: OR
City: Talent
County: Jackson County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Talent Police Department uses body-worn cameras.

Tigard Police Department Tigard Washington County OR Drones DJI
The Tigard Police Department has registered six active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Tigard Police Department
State: OR
City: Tigard
County: Washington County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Tigard Police Department has registered six active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Tillamook Police Department Tillamook Tillamook County OR Body-worn Cameras
The Tillamook Police Department's Facebook page shows officers with body-worn cameras.
Agency: Tillamook Police Department
State: OR
City: Tillamook
County: Tillamook County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Tillamook Police Department's Facebook page shows officers with body-worn cameras.

Tillamook County Sheriff's Office Tillamook Tillamook County OR Drones Autel
The Tillamook County Sheriff's Office has registered two active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Tillamook County Sheriff's Office
State: OR
City: Tillamook
County: Tillamook County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: Autel

The Tillamook County Sheriff's Office has registered two active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Tualatin Police Department Tualatin Washington County OR Body-worn Cameras
The Tualatin Police Department received $82,000 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase 41 body-worn cameras through the 2022 Small, Rural, Tribal BWC Microgrant program.
Agency: Tualatin Police Department
State: OR
City: Tualatin
County: Washington County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Tualatin Police Department received $82,000 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase 41 body-worn cameras through the 2022 Small, Rural, Tribal BWC Microgrant program.

Tualatin Police Department Tualatin Washington County OR Camera Registry Motorola Solutions
The Tualatin Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras through Motorola Solutions' CityProtect platform.
Agency: Tualatin Police Department
State: OR
City: Tualatin
County: Washington County
Technology: Camera Registry
Vendor: Motorola Solutions

The Tualatin Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras through Motorola Solutions' CityProtect platform.

Warm Springs Police Department Warm Springs Warm Springs County OR Body-worn Cameras Watchguard
The Warm Springs Police Department uses Watchguard body-worn cameras.
Agency: Warm Springs Police Department
State: OR
City: Warm Springs
County: Warm Springs County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Watchguard

The Warm Springs Police Department uses Watchguard body-worn cameras.

Chelan County Sheriff's Office Wenatchee Chelan County OR Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Chelan County Sheriff's Office uses Flock automated license plate readers.
Agency: Chelan County Sheriff's Office
State: OR
City: Wenatchee
County: Chelan County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Chelan County Sheriff's Office uses Flock automated license plate readers.

West Linn Police Department West Linn Clackamas County OR Camera Registry Motorola Solutions
The West Linn Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras through Motorola Solutions' CityProtect platform.
Agency: West Linn Police Department
State: OR
City: West Linn
County: Clackamas County
Technology: Camera Registry
Vendor: Motorola Solutions

The West Linn Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras through Motorola Solutions' CityProtect platform.

Woodburn Police Department Woodburn Marion County OR Camera Registry
The Woodburn Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.
Agency: Woodburn Police Department
State: OR
City: Woodburn
County: Marion County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Woodburn Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.

Woodburn Police Department Woodburn Marion County OR Drones DJI
The Woodburn Police Department has registered five active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.
Agency: Woodburn Police Department
State: OR
City: Woodburn
County: Marion County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Woodburn Police Department has registered five active drones with the Oregon Department of Aviation as of 2024.

Woodburn Police Department Woodburn Marion County OR Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Woodburn Police Department installed 24 license plate reader cameras at a first-year cost of $96,000, with a recurring yearly fee of $84,000.
Agency: Woodburn Police Department
State: OR
City: Woodburn
County: Marion County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Woodburn Police Department installed 24 license plate reader cameras at a first-year cost of $96,000, with a recurring yearly fee of $84,000.

Abington Township Police Department Abington Montgomery County PA Camera Registry
The Abington Township Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.
Agency: Abington Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Abington
County: Montgomery County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Abington Township Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.

Abington Township Police Department Abington Montgomery County PA Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Abington Police Department acquired Axon body-worn cameras in 2018.
Agency: Abington Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Abington
County: Montgomery County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Abington Police Department acquired Axon body-worn cameras in 2018.

Abington Township Police Department Abington Township Montgomery County PA Drones
The Abington Township Police Department operates one drone as of 2019, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Abington Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Abington Township
County: Montgomery County
Technology: Drones

The Abington Township Police Department operates one drone as of 2019, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Aldan Borough Police Department Aldan Borough Delaware County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Aldan Borough Police Department received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $7,800 for 8 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: Aldan Borough Police Department
State: PA
City: Aldan Borough
County: Delaware County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Aldan Borough Police Department received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $7,800 for 8 body-worn cameras in 2023.

Aliquippa Police Department Aliquippa Beaver County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Aliquippa Police Department received approval to wear body-worn cameras in October 2021.
Agency: Aliquippa Police Department
State: PA
City: Aliquippa
County: Beaver County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Aliquippa Police Department received approval to wear body-worn cameras in October 2021.

Center Township Police Department Aliquippa Beaver County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Center Township Police Department purchased twenty body-worn cameras for $32,000 in 2018.
Agency: Center Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Aliquippa
County: Beaver County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Center Township Police Department purchased twenty body-worn cameras for $32,000 in 2018.

Allentown Police Department Allentown Lehigh County PA Body-worn Cameras VieVu
The Allentown Police Department purchased 150 body-worn cameras in November 2017 with help from a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice for $250,000.
Agency: Allentown Police Department
State: PA
City: Allentown
County: Lehigh County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: VieVu

The Allentown Police Department purchased 150 body-worn cameras in November 2017 with help from a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice for $250,000.

Salisbury Township Police Department Allentown Lehigh County PA Body-worn Cameras WatchGuard
The Salisbury Township Police Department currently uses WatchGuard body-worn cameras. The Salisbury Township Police Department also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $21,000 for 21 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: Salisbury Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Allentown
County: Lehigh County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: WatchGuard

The Salisbury Township Police Department currently uses WatchGuard body-worn cameras. The Salisbury Township Police Department also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $21,000 for 21 body-worn cameras in 2023.

Salisbury Township Police Department Allentown Lehigh County PA Automated License Plate Readers
The Salisbury Township Police Department acquired an automated license plate reader in 2017 and budgeted to buy another in 2022.
Agency: Salisbury Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Allentown
County: Lehigh County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

The Salisbury Township Police Department acquired an automated license plate reader in 2017 and budgeted to buy another in 2022.

South Whitehall Township Police Department Allentown Lehigh County PA Body-worn Cameras WatchGuard
The South Whitehall Township Police Department received permission from the Board of Commissioners in 2020 to purchase 20 WatchGuard body-worn cameras. The South Whitehall Township Police Department also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $100,000 for 50 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: South Whitehall Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Allentown
County: Lehigh County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: WatchGuard

The South Whitehall Township Police Department received permission from the Board of Commissioners in 2020 to purchase 20 WatchGuard body-worn cameras. The South Whitehall Township Police Department also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $100,000 for 50 body-worn cameras in 2023.

Lehigh County Police Department Allentown Lehigh County PA Camera Registry Fusus
Lehigh County Police Department uses the Fusus camera registry system.
Agency: Lehigh County Police Department
State: PA
City: Allentown
County: Lehigh County
Technology: Camera Registry
Vendor: Fusus

Lehigh County Police Department uses the Fusus camera registry system.

Allentown Police Department Allentown Lehigh County PA Gunshot Detection Flock Safety
The Allentown Police Department received approval to install Flock Safety gunshot detection devices in 2024.
Agency: Allentown Police Department
State: PA
City: Allentown
County: Lehigh County
Technology: Gunshot Detection
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Allentown Police Department received approval to install Flock Safety gunshot detection devices in 2024.

Allentown Police Department Allentown Lehigh County PA Automated License Plate Readers Flock Safety
The Allentown Police Department uses Flock Safety automated license plate readers
Agency: Allentown Police Department
State: PA
City: Allentown
County: Lehigh County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers
Vendor: Flock Safety

The Allentown Police Department uses Flock Safety automated license plate readers

Lehigh County District Attorney Allentown Lehigh County PA Camera Registry Axon
The Lehigh County District Attorney maintains a camera registry via Axon.
Agency: Lehigh County District Attorney
State: PA
City: Allentown
County: Lehigh County
Technology: Camera Registry
Vendor: Axon

The Lehigh County District Attorney maintains a camera registry via Axon.

Logan Township Police Department Altoona Blair County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Logan Township Police Department has been using body-worn cameras since 2017.
Agency: Logan Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Altoona
County: Blair County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Logan Township Police Department has been using body-worn cameras since 2017.

Ambler Borough Police Department Ambler Montgomery County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Ambler Borough Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Ambler Borough Police Department
State: PA
City: Ambler
County: Montgomery County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Ambler Borough Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Beaver County District Attorney's Office Ambridge Beaver County PA Automated License Plate Readers
More than 45 license plate readers have been installed at intersections in Beaver County at the behest of the Beaver County District Attorney's Office.
Agency: Beaver County District Attorney's Office
State: PA
City: Ambridge
County: Beaver County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

More than 45 license plate readers have been installed at intersections in Beaver County at the behest of the Beaver County District Attorney's Office.

Ambridge Police Department Ambridge Beaver County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Ambridge Police Department received a $46,500 matching grant from the state Commission on Crime and Delinquency to purchase twenty-five body-worn cameras in May 2021.
Agency: Ambridge Police Department
State: PA
City: Ambridge
County: Beaver County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Ambridge Police Department received a $46,500 matching grant from the state Commission on Crime and Delinquency to purchase twenty-five body-worn cameras in May 2021.

Lower Merion Police Department Ardmore Montgomery County PA Drones
The Lower Merion Police Department has a drone equiped with thermal imaging.
Agency: Lower Merion Police Department
State: PA
City: Ardmore
County: Montgomery County
Technology: Drones

The Lower Merion Police Department has a drone equiped with thermal imaging.

Upper Chichester Township Police Department Aston Delaware County PA Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Upper Chichester Township Police Department entered a five-year contract with Axon for body-worn cameras in 2020.
Agency: Upper Chichester Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Aston
County: Delaware County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Upper Chichester Township Police Department entered a five-year contract with Axon for body-worn cameras in 2020.

Pine Creek Township Police Department Avis Clinton County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Pine Creek Township Police Departmentoperates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Pine Creek Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Avis
County: Clinton County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Pine Creek Township Police Departmentoperates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Bangor Borough Police Department Bangor Northampton County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Bangor Borough Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Bangor Borough Police Department
State: PA
City: Bangor
County: Northampton County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Bangor Borough Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Beaver County Sheriff's Office Beaver Beaver County PA Body-worn Cameras
The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $36,750 to the Beaver County Sheriff's Office in 2018 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program. The Beaver County Sheriff's Office also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $7,993 for 10 body-worn cameras in 2023.
Agency: Beaver County Sheriff's Office
State: PA
City: Beaver
County: Beaver County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The U.S. Department of Justice awarded $36,750 to the Beaver County Sheriff's Office in 2018 as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance's body-worn camera grant program. The Beaver County Sheriff's Office also received a Small, Rural, and Tribal Body-Worn Camera Program grant for $7,993 for 10 body-worn cameras in 2023.

Chippewa Township Police Department Beaver Falls Beaver County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Chippewa Township Police Department received a $196,800 grant from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to purchase body-worn cameras and in-car cameras in December 2022.
Agency: Chippewa Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Beaver Falls
County: Beaver County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Chippewa Township Police Department received a $196,800 grant from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency to purchase body-worn cameras and in-car cameras in December 2022.

Bedminster Township Police Department Bedminster Bucks County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Bedminster Police Department started using body-worn cameras in 2020.
Agency: Bedminster Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Bedminster
County: Bucks County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Bedminster Police Department started using body-worn cameras in 2020.

Bedminster Township Police Department Bedminster Township Bucks County PA Drones
The Bedminster Township Police Department operates one drone as of 2019, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Bedminster Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Bedminster Township
County: Bucks County
Technology: Drones

The Bedminster Township Police Department operates one drone as of 2019, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Rostraver Township Police Department Belle Vernon Fayette County PA Drones DJI
The Rostraver Township Police Department purchased a Matrice 30 RTK Drone in 2022.
Agency: Rostraver Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Belle Vernon
County: Fayette County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Rostraver Township Police Department purchased a Matrice 30 RTK Drone in 2022.

Bensalem Police Department Bensalem Bucks County PA Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Bensalem Police Department began using body-worn cameras in 2019.
Agency: Bensalem Police Department
State: PA
City: Bensalem
County: Bucks County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Bensalem Police Department began using body-worn cameras in 2019.

Bensalem Township Police Bensalem Bucks County PA Camera Registry Fusus
Bensalem Township Police uses the Fusus camera registry system.
Agency: Bensalem Township Police
State: PA
City: Bensalem
County: Bucks County
Technology: Camera Registry
Vendor: Fusus

Bensalem Township Police uses the Fusus camera registry system.

Bensalem Police Department Bensalem Bucks County PA Camera Registry Axon
The Bensalem Police Department maintains a camera registry via Axon.
Agency: Bensalem Police Department
State: PA
City: Bensalem
County: Bucks County
Technology: Camera Registry
Vendor: Axon

The Bensalem Police Department maintains a camera registry via Axon.

Berwick Police Department Berwick Columbia County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Borough of Berwick Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Berwick Police Department
State: PA
City: Berwick
County: Columbia County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Borough of Berwick Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Bethlehem Police Department Bethlehem Lehigh County, Northhampton County PA Body-worn Cameras Motorola Solutions
The Bethlehem Police Department purchased 120 Motorola body-worn cameras in 2019 after receiving a $90,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice.
Agency: Bethlehem Police Department
State: PA
City: Bethlehem
County: Lehigh County, Northhampton County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Motorola Solutions

The Bethlehem Police Department purchased 120 Motorola body-worn cameras in 2019 after receiving a $90,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice.

Colonial Region Police Department Bethlehem ‎Lehigh‎ County, Northampton County PA Body-worn Cameras Axon
The Colonial Regional Police Department began using 11 body-worn cameras in 2017.
Agency: Colonial Region Police Department
State: PA
City: Bethlehem
County: ‎Lehigh‎ County, Northampton County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Axon

The Colonial Regional Police Department began using 11 body-worn cameras in 2017.

Bethlehem Police Department Bethlehem Lehigh County, Northhampton County PA Drones DJI
The Bethlehem Police Department operates one DJI Phantom drone as of 2015, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Bethlehem Police Department
State: PA
City: Bethlehem
County: Lehigh County, Northhampton County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Bethlehem Police Department operates one DJI Phantom drone as of 2015, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Lehigh University Police Department Bethlehem Northhampton County PA Drones DJI
The Lehigh University Police Department operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2016, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.
Agency: Lehigh University Police Department
State: PA
City: Bethlehem
County: Northhampton County
Technology: Drones
Vendor: DJI

The Lehigh University Police Department operates one DJI Inspire drone as of 2016, according to data compiled by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.

Bethlehem Police Department Bethlehem Lehigh County, Northhampton County PA Camera Registry
The Bethlehem Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.
Agency: Bethlehem Police Department
State: PA
City: Bethlehem
County: Lehigh County, Northhampton County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Bethlehem Police Department maintains a voluntary registry of private and personal surveillance cameras.

Bethlehem Township Police Department Bethlehem Lehigh County, Northampton County PA Automated License Plate Readers
The Bethlehem Township Police Department uses automated license plate readers, according to a 2017 video.
Agency: Bethlehem Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Bethlehem
County: Lehigh County, Northampton County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

The Bethlehem Township Police Department uses automated license plate readers, according to a 2017 video.

Bethlehem Police Department Bethlehem Northampton County PA Automated License Plate Readers
Bethlehem's Police Department received a grant to purchase a mobile license plate reader in 2019.
Agency: Bethlehem Police Department
State: PA
City: Bethlehem
County: Northampton County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

Bethlehem's Police Department received a grant to purchase a mobile license plate reader in 2019.

Lehigh University Police Department, Bethlehem Northampton County, Lehigh County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Lehigh Police Department has been using body-worn cameras since 2014.
Agency: Lehigh University Police Department,
State: PA
City: Bethlehem
County: Northampton County, Lehigh County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Lehigh Police Department has been using body-worn cameras since 2014.

Lower Saucon Township Police Department Bethlehem Northampton County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Lower Saucon Township Police Departmentoperates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Lower Saucon Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Bethlehem
County: Northampton County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Lower Saucon Township Police Departmentoperates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Bethlehem Township Police Department Bethlehem Township Northampton County PA Body-worn Cameras
Bethlehem Township Police Department received $7,308 to purchase 24 body-worn cameras through the Small, Rural and Tribal Body-Worn Camera program in 2024.
Agency: Bethlehem Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Bethlehem Township
County: Northampton County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Bethlehem Township Police Department received $7,308 to purchase 24 body-worn cameras through the Small, Rural and Tribal Body-Worn Camera program in 2024.

Robeson Township Police Department Birdsboro Berks County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Robeson Township Police Departmentoperates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Robeson Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Birdsboro
County: Berks County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Robeson Township Police Departmentoperates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Hemlock Township Police Department Bloomsburg Columbia County PA Body-worn Cameras WatchGuard
The Hemlock Township Police Department uses WatchGuard body-worn cameras.
Agency: Hemlock Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Bloomsburg
County: Columbia County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: WatchGuard

The Hemlock Township Police Department uses WatchGuard body-worn cameras.

Columbia County Sheriff's Office Bloomsburg Columbia County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Columbia County Sheriff's Office operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Columbia County Sheriff's Office
State: PA
City: Bloomsburg
County: Columbia County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Columbia County Sheriff's Office operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Bloomsburg University Police Department Bloomsburg Columbia County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Bloomsburg University Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Bloomsburg University Police Department
State: PA
City: Bloomsburg
County: Columbia County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Bloomsburg University Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Wyomissing Police Department Borough of Wyomissing Berks County PA Automated License Plate Readers
The Wyomissing Police Department has been using automated license plate readers since at least 2021.
Agency: Wyomissing Police Department
State: PA
City: Borough of Wyomissing
County: Berks County
Technology: Automated License Plate Readers

The Wyomissing Police Department has been using automated license plate readers since at least 2021.

Eastern Regional Mon Valley Police Department Braddock Allegheny County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Eastern Reignonal Mon Valley Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Eastern Regional Mon Valley Police Department
State: PA
City: Braddock
County: Allegheny County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Eastern Reignonal Mon Valley Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Bradford Police Department Bradford McKean County PA Camera Registry CrimeWatch Technologies
The Bradford Police Department maintains a registry of private surveillance cameras.
Agency: Bradford Police Department
State: PA
City: Bradford
County: McKean County
Technology: Camera Registry
Vendor: CrimeWatch Technologies

The Bradford Police Department maintains a registry of private surveillance cameras.

Bradford Police Department Bradford McKean County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Bradford Police Department uses body-worn cameras.
Agency: Bradford Police Department
State: PA
City: Bradford
County: McKean County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Bradford Police Department uses body-worn cameras.

Bradford Police Department Bradford McKean County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Bradford Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Bradford Police Department
State: PA
City: Bradford
County: McKean County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Bradford Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Brentwood Borough Police Department Brentwood Allegheny County PA Body-worn Cameras WatchGuard
The Brentwood Borough Police Department has been using body-worn cameras since 2022.
Agency: Brentwood Borough Police Department
State: PA
City: Brentwood
County: Allegheny County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: WatchGuard

The Brentwood Borough Police Department has been using body-worn cameras since 2022.

Bridgeville Borough Police Department Bridgeville Allegheny County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Bridgeville Borough Police Department received $12,000 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase 12 body-worn cameras through the 2022 Small, Rural, Tribal BWC Microgrant program.
Agency: Bridgeville Borough Police Department
State: PA
City: Bridgeville
County: Allegheny County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Bridgeville Borough Police Department received $12,000 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase 12 body-worn cameras through the 2022 Small, Rural, Tribal BWC Microgrant program.

Marple Township Police Department Broomall Delaware County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Marple Township Police Department has been using body-worn cameras since at least 2022, receiving a $268,000 grant from the state government for the equipment in the same year.
Agency: Marple Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Broomall
County: Delaware County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Marple Township Police Department has been using body-worn cameras since at least 2022, receiving a $268,000 grant from the state government for the equipment in the same year.

Marple Township Police Department Broomall Delaware County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Marple Township Police Departmentoperates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Marple Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Broomall
County: Delaware County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Marple Township Police Departmentoperates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Buckingham Township Police Department Buckingham Township Bucks County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Buckingham Township Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Buckingham Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Buckingham Township
County: Bucks County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Buckingham Township Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Butler City Police Department Butler Butler County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Butler City Police Department began using body-worn cameras in 2021.
Agency: Butler City Police Department
State: PA
City: Butler
County: Butler County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Butler City Police Department began using body-worn cameras in 2021.

Caln Township Police Department Caln Township Chester County PA Body-worn Cameras
Caln Township Police Department began utilizing body-worn cameras in May 2021.
Agency: Caln Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Caln Township
County: Chester County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

Caln Township Police Department began utilizing body-worn cameras in May 2021.

Cambridge Springs Police Department Cambridge Springs Crawford County PA Body-worn Cameras Motorola
The Cambridge Springs Police Department uses WatchGuard Vista body-worn cameras. The agency purchased new body-worn cameras to replace outdated ones in 2023.
Agency: Cambridge Springs Police Department
State: PA
City: Cambridge Springs
County: Crawford County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras
Vendor: Motorola

The Cambridge Springs Police Department uses WatchGuard Vista body-worn cameras. The agency purchased new body-worn cameras to replace outdated ones in 2023.

Camp Hill Borough Police Department Camp Hill Cumberland County PA Body-worn Cameras
The Camp Hill Borough Police Department has been using body-worn cameras since at least 2020.
Agency: Camp Hill Borough Police Department
State: PA
City: Camp Hill
County: Cumberland County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The Camp Hill Borough Police Department has been using body-worn cameras since at least 2020.

Camp Hill Police Department Camp Hill Cumberland County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Camp Hill Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Camp Hill Police Department
State: PA
City: Camp Hill
County: Cumberland County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Camp Hill Police Department operates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

Lower Allen Township Police Department Camp Hill Cumberland County PA Camera Registry CRIMEWATCH
The Lower Allen Township Police Departmentoperates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.
Agency: Lower Allen Township Police Department
State: PA
City: Camp Hill
County: Cumberland County
Technology: Camera Registry

The Lower Allen Township Police Departmentoperates a camera registry via CRIMEWATCH.

South Strabane Police Department Canonsburg Washington County PA Body-worn Cameras
The South Strabane Police Department recieved a grant of $17,187 in 2021 to purchase body-worn cameras.
Agency: South Strabane Police Department
State: PA
City: Canonsburg
County: Washington County
Technology: Body-worn Cameras

The South Strabane Police Department recieved a grant of $17,187 in 2021 to purchase body-worn cameras.